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Apologies for the delayed news updates, but things have been rather busy in the past few months (not that we are complaining in any way whatsoever).

Anyway, we're happy to say that we are back on a roll with photo updates, so if you pop over to the profiles of Jade and Hazel, you'll be able to enjoy a series of new content. As always, the pics show what the ladies look like now, since we're not into displaying photos from 3-4 years ago when a lady was at some now-closed establishment (Sandys, Hayleys, whatever). No, it isn't meant to be a dig at anyone in particular, but rather an expression of a pet peeve at the laziness and indifference which some ladies, and businesses, have towards their clients, by expecting them to be satisfied by content which is in no way whatsoever a recent depiction of whom they may be making an appointment with. Don't like it? Sue me!