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It has been a fairly quiet week, but that hasn't meant that we have been sitting on our collective arses twiddling our thumbs. We've been concentrating mainly on some building maintenance and redecoration, with the goal of ensuring that things in the building run a bit more efficiently and pleasantly on a day-to-day basis.


As far as the website goes, the main change this week is that we've now updated Yasmin's profile with a load of new photos, removing the original ones in their entirety. We think these are not only nicer to look at, but also provide a more accurate impression of what she looks like. The most remarkable thing here is that she has one hell of a bum - round and brown, and the product of loads of squats, so it is perhaps inevitable that there have been so many enquiries regarding A-levels with her. The other noticeable thing is the fact that there are quite a few photos of her in saris. She loves wearing them during an appointment, so if you would like to see her in one during a meeting, don't be afraid to ask (ditto other traditional garments, such as an abaya or dupatta).



Spring is just a few days away, which means soon plants will be popping up all over the place, bringing life, joy and happiness all over the place. We're sharing in the happy vibes, as we have two new ladies joining us this week, in the form of Hazel and Safina. In brief, Hazel is a cute American student, while Safina is a sexy Pakistani heartbreaker. Click on the links to their profiles, and you'll be able to find out all about then.


On another note, while we can't complain about how lovely the weather has been over the last few days, isn't it just that bit scary to be warm at this time of the year? Maybe, just maybe, we are messing up with the planet in ways which we have yet to recognise, but which we will regret decades down the line. Not the best thought to have, but definitely something to dwell on.


Christmas is finally over. Thank fuck for that. Unfortunately, that means the supermarkets now have more shelf space free to flog Easter chocolate, so maybe it isn't all that great.


Our main news is that we have a new lady joining us this Monday, the 7th. Her name is Yasmin, and she is a British lady of Pakistani descent. If you ever fapped off to the rather exotic looking lovelies of the Electric Blue "Asian Babes" magazines of the early 90s, here is your chance to get up close and personal with a genuine Asian lovely. Not only is she fully Asian, but Yasmin is also rather dirty in her list of enjoys, which means that any meeting with her will probably help to tick a lot of boxes in your punting scoresheet.


The first photos on her profile went up a couple of weeks ago, but we hope to take more soon, including pics in a number of traditional outfits. Keep your eyes peeled!