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Today may be April Fools Day, but as we're now past midday, it is safe to say that Sally's profile has been updated with new photos, without leaving anyone wondering if there is a trick to our post. As you can see from the pics, she still looks as good as she did years ago, with her long legs and slim waist being the perfect complement for her large natural boobies.


In case you are wondering, Sally doesn't have a regular day, but instead appears one day a week on different days each time, which is particularly useful for those gentlemen who have only one day off per week, as it increases your chances of meeting her. With this in mind, it is also worth mentioning that for the next few weeks, we will be open most Saturdays too, so it always pays to keep an eye on the schedule to see when your favourite lady will be appearing (and for those of you whose favourite lady appears elsewhere - have you ever suggested to her that maybe she should join us? She may like it more here 😉 ).