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Poll: We need your feedback on profile gallery amendments …

Ahoy shipmates! Just a short note to let you know that we're thinking of how the profiles are presented, so we will be conducting a poll, or two, for your feedback (not poledancers, like the two birds in the photo).


At the moment, there are several pop-up galleries for each profile page, all of which have varying numbers of images. The advantage is that it provides you with a greater selection of images of a particular lady, in a more extensive range of outfits. However, the disadvantage is that it seems to make the profiles look a bit messy, and may cause you to miss certain key bits of information. Now, my question is this: should we leave things to remain as they are, or should we amend the manner in which the galleries are presented? There are a couple of polls in the Twitter feed which I'll link to below, so I would be grateful for any votes (and written feedback too). It should be noted that I'm not too arsed about posting new pics, as I've always had tons of content, so that isn't the issue; the issue is the presentation of pertinent written information.


Twitter Poll 1: How many galleries in total are ideal.

Twitter Poll 2: How many images in total should a profile have?


Pole dancers? Well, they sure as fuck aren't dressed up like Morris dancers.


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