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Indigo Nile does Dallas – welcome to our backup site

If you're reading this, then welcome to the current backup site for Indigo Nile. You may have come here from the dotcom version, but as is quite clear from the top level domain, this one ends in dottech.


The reaon for this change is quite simple. Over the past month, the dotcom site has been up and down more frequently than a tart's knickers, with a number of other issues also revealing themselves in recent days. Usually, we could work around it, but this time things seem different, so we are switching away from a hosting service which we have relied on for a hell of a long time to a new provider. As things stand, both .com and .tech will have updates showing on our Schedule / Rota until we're ready for a full migration, with .com being being set to redirect here automatically if the host server has issues in the coming weeks; as such, feel free to visit us using whichever domain you wish to use.


As could be expected, there are good and bad things to this change. First, the good stuff -  we at least have a working website, plus we have some new photos for a number of the ladies you all love. The bad is that this site is actually based on a really old backup, which means that not only have we lost some functionality that needs to be restored, but for date sensitive things like news updates, we are effectively back in 2020 too, when the last posts were made. If you ever followed the soap opera "DALLAS", you may remember a season when Bobby Ewing "died", only to reappear again at the end in the shower. Well, in our case, the last news update relates to our first COVID era reopening, which occured when Donald Trump was President of the USA the first time around. Well, this update now takes place with The Donald in charge of the USA once again, although the big difference now is that some of his policy suggestions appear to have come straight out of a 2006 movie called "Idiocracy".


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