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It is now mid-January, which means that by now, about 50% of all resolutions for the New Year have now been broken. Face it, you're not going to learn a new language, take up ballroom dancing, lose 10 kg in time for summer, or give up punting, so maybe now is the time to realise that the only resolution to make is not to make a resolution (that, and ditching smoking).


Anyway, without further ado, lets start off the photo updates for the new year. The first lady to have a profile refresh is Annalynne. While she has decided to keep a couple of her favourite photos from prior sets, most of the pics which are now up are new. If you prefer her old ones, you'll find most of them, together with lots of the nude ones, in her AdultWork Private Gallery, so either way, you definitely won't miss out. FWIW, the pic below didn't make the cut, which is a pity, as I really, really like it.



Christmas is finally over. Thank fuck for that. Unfortunately, that means the supermarkets now have more shelf space free to flog Easter chocolate, so maybe it isn't all that great.


Our main news is that we have a new lady joining us this Monday, the 7th. Her name is Yasmin, and she is a British lady of Pakistani descent. If you ever fapped off to the rather exotic looking lovelies of the Electric Blue "Asian Babes" magazines of the early 90s, here is your chance to get up close and personal with a genuine Asian lovely. Not only is she fully Asian, but Yasmin is also rather dirty in her list of enjoys, which means that any meeting with her will probably help to tick a lot of boxes in your punting scoresheet.


The first photos on her profile went up a couple of weeks ago, but we hope to take more soon, including pics in a number of traditional outfits. Keep your eyes peeled!



Rejoice, for the Festive Season is upon us again!


That means piss-ups at work with people you loath; eating turkey meat that is drier than Ghandi's flip-flops; listening to endless replays of the Godawful "Fairytale of New York"; and  going through the usual family argument at 4 in the afternoon before collapsing in an inebriated mess around the TV to watch "Home Alone" for the 15th year in a row. In the adult entertainment world, similar traditions exist: spoilt cam models dropping hints about their Amazon wishlists with every second tweet (which is definitely an invitation to unfollow); escorts digging through their work closets for the sexy Santa outfits which they're worn this time every year since they've started on the game; mistresses going on about naughty boys being punished, and bad puns all around about kissing under the mistletoe and seeing what is in Santa's sack. Thankfully, it only lasts for a fortnight, and then we all pack it in for another year.


If you celebrate this time of year, then the ladies would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and all of the best for the coming year. For those who don't, well, we hope you have a great period of stress free rest and relaxation. In the coming week, we will be open every day of the week, right up to Christmas Eve, when we will have an early closing. On Christmas Day and Boxing Day, we'll be closed, before reopening on the 27th; whilst at the end of the year, we close early on New Years Day (along with New Years Eve), before resuming normal service on the 2nd of January.


Indigo Nile - putting the Ho, into Ho-Ho-Ho.



Good news guys. Sally is now back with us.


If you've been naughty this year, you probably have no chance in hell of getting a present from Santa. However, as every cloud has a silver lining, you can make up for it by unwrapping Sally instead (or she can just spank you senseless for having been such a bad 'un). At the moment, Sally's days are yet to be determined, so please keep an eye on the schedule for updates. We're using her old photos rather than the more recent ones as she's actually looking rather like she did when they were taken, i.e. mighty fine!



Natalie's had yet another set of new photos added to her profile. In all honesty, there are probably more than enough on display, as the photo count comes up to 32, so we may end up removing some of them in the coming days. Once the new year starts, we'll probably go back to doing the Dress of the Day posts, as Bosslady has been dropping none-too-subtle hints that she wants a return of that feature, so you can expect to see more regular photo updates, although this may impact on the filming of the video clips, which is what has been taking up a fair bit of our time recently (one of the bondage style images in the update will probably give you a clue as to what the videos are about). The backdrops will also be due for a change too soon, as we know that even with the best models, they can become boring after a period of time.


In the coming month, you can expect to see changes on the profiles for Cheryl and Annalynne (and possibly Jennie too).



Decades ago, that rather lush looking piece of Welsh crumpet Shirley Bassey once crooned that "Diamonds are foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr they can stimulate and tease me". Now, we're not that keen on sparkling rocks ourselves, but we do know that if you're in the market for an overpriced piece of ring swag, then the place to go looking for a diamond in central Manchester just has to be the branch of Tiffany's located in Selfridges. It is glitzy, it is glam, and if you walk out of there with one of their pale blue bags, it is guaranteed to make the woman in your life orgasm (and we mean genuine puddles of female orgasm juice, not the fake stuff). Fortunately, if central Manchester is too far to go, why not visit Indigo Nile, were we have a stunning new lady joining us who also goes by the name of Tiffany. She's smiley, friendly and has an absolutely fantastic body which looks like a million fucking dollars, and which had Cheryl and Annalynne gasping in awe and lust when she had her photos taken last week.


The profile for Tiffany is now online, and if you are interested in a visit, her first day with us will be on Wednesday 21 November. We hope to see you then!


We're currently working on refreshing the profiles of our ladies, so there isn't much time to write anything this week, even though we do have some stuff on our mind which we will probably return to in the next few days.


However, this is just a little headsup to let you know that on Friday, Lucy will be back in with us. Given that she tours so much with her usual partner in crime, we're not sure if this visit is a one-off or will become a semi-regular thing or not. Nonetheless, her profile is back up on our website, so if you are interested in a booking, please do feel free to give us a call. For those who have never met her, she is a very chilled lady who is fairly well known for some seriously good oral skills (amongst other things). In other news, Annalynne will be in on Saturday for those gentlemen who are unable to make it over to ours on weekdays.


I'm currently waiting for a video clip to render, so rather than sit on my arse and twiddle my thumbs, I've decided to pen some thoughts about Twitter, which is, in my personal opinion, one of the jewels of the Internet in the past decade. Sure, Facebook may be bigger, YouTube more content rich, and Instagram more "in", but there is something uniquely chaotic about Twitter that makes it that bit more fun that its peers. I guess that it is probably no coincidence then that it is the broadcasting tool of choice of a certain Donald Trump, part-time loud mouth, part time President of the United States of America, and full-time connoisseur of loose women everywhere.


Why do I love Twitter? It isn't the current posting limit of 280 characters, although that does have the effect of forcing posters to be brief and concise in their thoughts, rather than allow for the rambling bollocks you find elsewhere. Nor is it the fact that the user interface is a load of antiquated bobbins, subject to constant change and reinvention, yet lacking in even basic facilities such as Edit button. No, in the end, it boils down to the fact that Twitter is, of all the social media platforms currently available, the most egalitarian of the lot, with a relatively chaotic and uncensored way of allowing you to interact online with other people as and how you deem fit, without a big nanny being in place to monitor or cajole you.


The most important bonus with using Twitter is the relative lack of censorship compared to other social media platforms, especially of visual content such as photos and videos. Thus, while Instagram will pounce on you if you accidentally post a photo showing a stray nipple (or rapidly delete you account if there are multiple instances of even minor nudity), with Twitter, anything goes, so long as whatever you post is legal and is marked as being sensitive in nature. Is it any wonder then that it is so bloody popular with porn actresses and escorts alike? Provided you stick to the rules, you have the opportunity to build up a interactive fanbase showing your wares off in the most explicit fashion possible, all of which is free to use and so, so much more effective than traditional advertising mediums. Obviously, this freedom from censorship is never absolute, as anyone who has ever had the misfortune of being shadowbanned will attest, nor should anyone put all their eggs in one basket by using it as their only marketing mechanism, but as some rather popular ladies have shown over the years, provided you put the effort in to post content in an interesting and consistent manner, then you will be rewarded in the long run.


More importantly than the censoring of photos though is that of thought. Compared to the walled garden that is Facebook, you'll find a greater variety of voices on Twitter, or, at the very least, you'll find it easier to find a greater variety of voices and opinions which are different to your own. FB, by contrast, comes across as more conformist in nature, in that if you happen to believe in something which is against the flow, you'll either be banned outright by its moderating staff, or you'll just be conveniently overlooked by the mysterious "algorithm" which is there to take the blame should anything happen to go wrong. In a way, it is fairly similar to message boards, especially those of a specialist nature (as you find in the punting world), where if you don't fit in with the long-standing crowd of familiar posters or with the belief sets of the board owners, then you are essentially fucked, as you are going to end up being little more than the online version of a persona non grata, logging in to a site but finding you have nobody whom you can really chat to without being shouted down. For something which is already so exclusionary and privacy oriented like the sex industry, this can be rather disheartening, particularly with new escorts or clients, who often have nobody to relate to in the real world.With Twitter, this is irrelevant, as you can follow or unfollow whoever you like, so you aren't really going to be left out of any particular discussion which interests you. Now obviously, Twitter isn't perfect, as you'll still have to confront your fair share of trolls and online harassment, but in the main, you'll find that you are generally going to be accepted for who you are (or whoever your online persona happens to be).


Well, the video clip is now complete, so I'll end up my musings here. There is no moral to this post, for rather like Twitter, it isn't up to me to tell you what you should do, follow or think. Nor, for that matter, will I be begging you to follow our Twitter account or those of our ladies (like Cheryl and Annalynne), or even such creative gems like faceandpussy or "Wetherspoons", as that is entirely up to you whether you choose to follow us. What I will suggest though is giving Twitter a try if you haven't done so before. If you're afraid of being caught out, set up a disposable e-mail address, and then sign up from a different browser. As the saying goes "Free your mind, and your ass will follow" - you really will not regret venturing onto Twitter, as it will definitely open your mind up to the world in a way which you will never regret.


We're rather happy to announce that we are debuting a new lady at our venue in north Manchester next week. If you check the rota, you'll see that on Tuesday, we are welcoming Elise to Manchester.

There are basic details on her profile, but as always, if you want to find our more about Elise, then just click on the link at the bottom of the page in order to be redirected to her Adultwork account. She's kindly ceded a number of photos for us to use too, but fear not, we will be adding new ones taken in house as soon as we get the opportunity. With think that with her look, her stripper skills, and with her bubbly enthusiasm, she'll prove to be quite popular, so we definitely suggest booking in advance for a meeting.


October is now here, and so, as the year slowly draws to an end, we're getting close to the silly season, where we celebrate all manner of crazy festivals and events. Those who are of a secular persuasion will enjoy the fun of Halloween, Black Friday and Guy Fawkes Night, while the more religious minded will end the year with Hannukah, Festivus and Xmas. For those of us who enjoy more kinky or sexually oriented activities, it looks like we'll be stuck between having to celebrate the two polar opposite events known as Tontober and Loctober.


In case you're wondering what I'm on about, here is a brief rundown of these two competing options:


 • Tontober is something which has been running on UKPunting for several years now, and which has become a firm favourite for its members. In essence, the aim is to support those escorts who are willing and able to meet the requisite criteria, which are to offer incall appointments which are no higher than £60 for 30 minutes or £100 for an hour (hence the "ton" in tontober). It is particularly popular with those independents who have greater flexibility when it comes to availability and rates, although it is not something which many escort agencies or massage parlours can meet, given their way of operating. For some ladies, it is a useful way to gain both custom and exposure, especially if the clients who benefit from discounted rates end up writing a review; while for the chaps, there is the obvious benefit of meeting new models who may charge marginally beyond their price limits. Critics claim it exploits WGs by forcing prices down, but lets be honest, that is bollocks, as the competition amongst ladies in what is largely a cutthroat business tends to do that already. In addition, not only is tontober voluntary, with the vast majority of the regular UKPers being quite respectful of WG choices to participate, but it is also no worse than the Reverse Booking systems which exist on a number of other adult sites (such as the reverse auctions which on AdultWork, which are, in my mind, way less transparent and way more "exploitative" in how they function). If you want to know more about Tontober, just click on the link to UKP here: The 2018 thread


 • If Tontober is about getting your rocks off as much as you can for as little as you can, then I can absolutely guarantee that you are going to be pissed off with the overall premise of Locktober. This is since Locktober is that time of the year when ladies who are active in the femdom scene "celebrate" a month of male chastity and blue balls. After locking up your tackle in a cock cage, and handing over the keys to your "mistress", you can kiss goodbye to any chance of a good orgasm until the 1st of November, with the pain building up over the course of the month as imaginative mistresses come up with ever more devious ways to tease and subvert their captives while denying them the relief that they crave. Needless to say, most guys who participate in Locktober try not to get an orgasm, as the prefer the edging and control aspects of it all, but for those who do somehow get to climax, the pain often is not worth the gain - not only are their mistresses likely to be pissed off with them, extracting rather extreme penalties from their for their misbehaviour, but they also face the prospect of ending up back in Square One, with the chastity counter being reset for an additional 30 days. If you are still curious, there is quite a bit about this online, with the Twitter stuff being particularly entertaining, especially the images: #Locktober on Twitter


As I am "vanilla" in taste, I personally think Locktober is way crazier than Tontober, but as always, it is a case of horses for courses. With that in mind, if you're thinking of visiting us at Indigo Nile, then you'll probably be quite please to find out that no matter which way your preferences run, you can definitely celebrate either event here. For guys into Locktober, Cheryl and Annalynne are both taking part - while Cheryl is quite experienced at this, and is now showing Annalynne the ropes on how to do this on her own, they're also offering a special duo dom service that could be described as "good cop, bad cop" with a mean twist thrown in. As for Tontober, our half hour rate of £60 for a full girlfriendexperience in one of Manchester's finest incall agencies hits the spot, so if you're interested in some fun with someone new, get in touch!